march 2015
3rdInvite BJMA 2015
Dear friends and colleagues,
We feel immensely privileged to announce that 36th Annual scientific conference of BJMA (UK) is going to be held at Stadium of light (Sunderland football club) on 11th and 12th July 2015. We have organised a scientific programme (CPD approval from Royal college sought), a variety of entertainment programmes and a sumptuous cuisine. Our team is working towards a heart-touching welcome and fantastic weekend fun.
On one hand the cost of organising meetings and entertainment is rising then on the other hand the medical sponsorships are drying out.This has posed a great challenge in holding the BJMA annual conference .We are left with no choice but to increase registration fee from £65 to £70this year for adults. We are aware of the financial burden on members with young families. Keeping this in mind, we have not increased children’s fee. Our fee is kept at £35 for children between 8-14 years while children under 8 can attend free.
We are enclosing a list of hotels with contact details for you to make reservation for your stay at Sunderland. Please book your accommodation as soon as possible to avoid inconvenience.
Kindly complete the attached registration form and return this by 31 May 2015 with appropriate payment. The seating numbers for the evening function is limited to 480; we will have to stop the registration once the number is reached. There is no provision for registration on the day of event. To help the local arrangement we sincerely request you to please register as early as possible.
We request you to attend the event with your family and friends. A group of overseas delegates from India, New Zealand and USA are expected to attend the conference. You should pass on the information to any members who have not received the information and registration form. We have included a variety of interesting programmes for children, ladies and members. There would be a poster presentation with a prize for the best poster. May we request you to encourage medical students & trainee doctors in the BJMA families to participate in the poster presentation. Also there would be raffles to win respectful and worth-praising paintings in which hours and hours of painstaking efforts have been put into by our BJMA artists.
Further details of programme and travel directions will be forwarded to you upon receipt of completed registration form and payment. Additional registration form can be downloaded from our BJMA (UK) website on Please respond to ‘BJMA’.
We look forward to welcoming you on 11th July 2015 at Sunderland.
Ram Karn Singh & Sanjay Kumar
Organising Secretaries, BJMA 2015