We are pleased to announce that we are holding the 35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Bihar Jharkhand Medical Association (UK) at Edgbaston Cricket Stadium, Birmingham on 12-13 July 2014.
We have arranged a high quality scientific meeting, variety of entertainment programmes, fine cuisine and various events for children. We are all working hard to make the weekend a memorable event.
With the escalating costs of organising such an event and difficulties in getting adequate sponsorships we have to increase the Registration charges this year from £60 to £65 for adults, children 8-14 years £35 while under 8 remain free.
We hope that you attend with your family & friends in large numbers and make the programme a big success.
Please let us know if any of your family members may wish to perform in the Cultural events.
Kindly complete the attached registration form with your payment and return it by 15th June 2014. As our seating numbers for the evening function is limited to 600 we will have to stop all Registrations on reaching that number even if it is before the closing date. There maybe no Registration on the day of the event.
We sincerely request you to please Register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment and help with the local arrangements.
Please email to us if you hear of any friend/ colleague who may not receive this information as we may not be having their updated email id.
We are enclosing a list of hotels with contact details for you to make reservation for your stay in Birmingham. It is important that you reserve your accommodation as soon as possible to avoid inconvenience.
Further details of the programme and travel directions will be sent to you on receipt of your completed registration form with payment. Additional registration forms can be downloaded from our BJMA (UK) website on bjma.org.uk .
We look forward to seeing you at Birmingham on 12- 13 July 2014.
Dr Geeta & Mr Arun Sinha Dr Sanjay Kumar
Local Organising Secretaries Treasurer
Email: BJMA2014@gmail.com